
May 5, 2012

Loud and proud TRENTA!!!

Ive been on blogging hiatus. A lot has been going on and i dont even know where to start. Im on the 18th week of my pregnancy and so far, everything is great. I have been on bed rest for 6 weeks but im okay now. I will tell more of my pregnancy on my next posts. For now, let's stick with the obligatory birthday post, shall we? :) (1) I have learned Wei Wu borrow lines from our great music artists, Que Sera Sera and Let it Be. (2) I have learned that, like going through every other emotions,it's okay to cry... (3)then let go. (4) I have learned that the best person to compete with is your self. (5) In 30 years, I have learned to "bullet proof my soul", (6) dare to fail, (7) and live a life I am proud of. "If you find that you're not, I hope you find the strength to start all over again." In 30 years, (8) I have proven Karma (good and bad), (9) and to be a compassionate person--to be polite and kind to every person I encounter for everyone's going through their own struggles. And(10)"For every action there's always an equal and opposite reaction." - Newton's Law Of Motion. Life also thought me to (11) put God in the center of everything, (12) and never seek for happiness outside of me. I've learned to deal with my anxieties by thinking (13) there is more to life than this and just(14) be forever grateful for the blessings because being thankful is also a form of prayer. (15) Do EVERYTHING to be happy. Happiness is a choice! (16) I believe in hard work and practice more than talent.(17) I learned from Oprah that "You can have it all, you just can't have it all at one time". (18) I have learned acceptance and forgiveness (not because everything is okay, but because it is what is best and healthy for you). (19) It is nice to try new things and go to new places, in the hopes of discovering more of yourself. (20) and to give without calculations. (21) While you’re young, you should travel. (22)You should take the time to see the world and taste the fullness of life. It’s worth whatever investment or money or sacrifice of time required on your part. (23)It’s about experiencing true risk and adventure so you don’t have to live in fear for the rest of your life. Another year makes me realize (24)self-discovery and "getting lost"are all parts of being truly alive, (25) and to not make "finding the one" the sole purpose of living. .(26) "If someone wants you in their life, they’ll make room for you.You shouldn't have to fight for a spot." (27)The world is overflowing with opportunities and blessings,just learn to ASK (The Secret) It doesn’t matter if what you are asking for is big (getting that job or winning the lotto) or small(finding a gift for sister or passing the 10-point quiz)…the message is clear: JUST ASK. Thirty years means (28) I know the value of my relationships, but (29) "Stop letting others bring you down to their level. Refuse to lower your standards to accommodate those who refuse to raise theirs." And still a big lesson, sabi nga ng 25-year-old self ko: I have learned that (30) though time is fleeting and change is constant...Continue moving forward and never get stuck. ;)

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