
Sep 1, 2009

New things I learned about Puerto Princesa

1. the city is really the cleanest and greenest city in the Philippines. anyone caught littering is punishable by law and they are serious about it!

2. the trash bins are worth around 7000 pesos each. they were bought in germany and they are the same types (material) found at starbucks coffee shop

3. tourism is the main source of income for in this city. no factories or industrial plants are allowed to be built here. that's why the citizens are very much active in preserving the beaches beauty of the province. no commercial fishing allowed in the area

4. Palawan has a land area of about 250,000 hectares and a population of about 250,000. that is 1 person to an heactare.

5. the honda bay should be spelled as "hunda" bay. hunda is a spanish word meaning deep or malalim

6. there is an open prison where inmates can freely roam in the area. but only for inmates with minimum sentences, inmates with medium sentences are locked up in cells.

7. some of the key chains sold at the iwahig penal prison farm are made from recycled jollibee plastic cups.

8. the primary public transportation is the tricycle or multicabs. there are also vans for hire for travel to el nido, hunda bay and city tours

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