
Aug 22, 2012

33 weeks

Posting our pic on our 33 weeks. Im having shorter sleeping hours now. Baby seems to be noctural sunce i always feel her moving inside my tummy very late at night and sometimes even on the wee hours of the night. I guess this is in preparation of what is to come when she finally gets out of my tummy ๐Ÿ˜Š

Aug 13, 2012

32 weeks

I love my phone! The phone im using right now has served to be a camera for me. Every week i keep on downloading apps. Let me show one pic of my tummy. This was taken using the leme cam.

It not only showed what the app can do but one of he sweetest moment my hubby and i have. You see, hubby is the most supportive husband there is! Kulang na lang isalin ko si baby amber sa kanya. ☺

Aug 9, 2012

29 weeks

A super delayed pic of me and baby amber at 29 weeks. I am currently on my 32 weeks or 8 th month. Yikes and yay! Excited to see baby amber soon though ๐Ÿ˜Š

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