
Jan 27, 2012

So sad. :(

Jan 16, 2012

i love JESUS!

i am a catholic. as i grow older i am more accepting of my catholic faith. although it is being attack every now and then, i will stand by it. for an institution that is existing for thousands of years, it has its flaws. not because of Jesus but because of people running it. I am thankful for this faith but i do appreciate and respect other faith. my mom and her sisters were taken care by nuns. i studied in elementary school. i learned about the bible because of my school. without it i would feel more lost.

at this time and age where weddings are preferred to be done in beaches, i had my wedding at a church. twas beautiful. we do have lots of beautiful churches. lots of beautiful places of worship. and safe havens too when calamities do come. bottomline, its not religion that matters but your relationship with your God.

Jan 12, 2012

Nuffnang co-founder proposes

loved that cristina perri's a thousand years was made background.congrats to the couple!

Jan 11, 2012


i need something like this in my life right now.....
colors, fun, excitement, sweetness

Jan 10, 2012

Condura Skyway Marathon 2012

In keeping the tradition of joining the Condura Skyway Marathon. I only joined the 5k category. im such a sissy right but am still happy to participate and help in preserving our local mangroves.

kitakits sa finishline! :)

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